Central Valley, CA
How valuable is your crop?
Our Dealers
If we do not list a dealer close to you, please contact:
Amarillo Wind Machine
Phone: 559-399-0318
Fax: 559-592-4194
E-mail: [email protected]
Become a dealer
If you would like to become a dealer, please contact us at [email protected]
USA Dealers
Amarillo Wind Machine
Contact: PJ Method
Phone: 559-399-0318
Fax: 559-592-4194
Exeter, CA.
Central/Southern Coast, CA
Amarillo Wind Machine
Contact: PJ Method
Phone: 559-399-0318
Fax: 559-592-4194
Exeter, CA
Napa/Sonoma, CA
Amarillo Wind Machine
Contact: PJ Method
Phone: 559-399-0318
Fax: 559-592-4194
Exeter, CA
Wenatchee Wind Machine Service
Contact: Steve Ott
Phone: 509-661-9463
Cell: 509-885-4563
Wenatchee, WA
All Other
Amarillo Wind Machine
Contact: PJ Method
Phone: 559-399-0318
Fax: 559-592-4194
Exeter, CA.
International Dealers
Sas Frejadise
Contact: Tony Petit
Phone: 05-63-022-929
Fax: 05-63-022-828
82370 La Bastide
St. Piere, France
Central/Eastern Europe
Amarillo Wind Machine
Contact: PJ Method
Phone1: 559-399-0318
Contact: Rafael Barahona Arndt
Phone: 56-2 2650-1211
Santiago, Chile
[email protected]
Waterline S A
Contact: Armando Bustillos
New Phone: (915) 240-7297
Phone: 52-659-587-8177
Nam.,Chih. CP 31964
Eastern Europe/Turkey
Contact: Atilla Yazicioglu
Phone: 0-532-286-54-27
Fax: 0-323-428-13-40
Adana, Turkey
New Zealand
New Zealand Frost Fans LTD
Contact: Steve Haslett
Phone: +64 6-879-8312
Fax: +64 6-879-7312
Hastings, New Zealand